#Suggerimenti Scuola

Tema sul Natale in inglese: svolgimento al tempo futuro

27 dicembre 2018

Tema in inglese sul Natale: traccia svolta al futuro sulle vacanze natalizie

Tra i compiti per le vacanze di Natale il prof di inglese ti ha assegnato da svolgere un tema in lingua sul Natale e su cosa farai durante il periodo natalizio ma tu non sai cosa scrivere? In particolare, devi elaborare un testo sulle vacanze natalizie e come le hai trascorse usando il tempo futuro? Non preoccuparti se non sai come farlo: puoi prendere spunto da questa traccia svolta che noi di ScuolaZoo abbiamo preparato per te. Se non sai quanto durano le vacanze di Natale, qui trovi le date di rientro in tutte le regioni:

Testo sul Natale in inglese svolto al futuro: introduzione

Christmas is coming and we are all very excited. No one can say he does not love this time of the year because Christmas brings with it a unique magic.

Testo sul Natale sulle vacanze di Natale in inglese: svolgimento al futuro

I've always loved Christmas holidays since I was a child but now, I love them strongly because, living far from home, Christmas is the perfect moment to stay with my family and my friends. I will have to study all over Christmas holidays but I hope I can also relax a bit and having fun with my friends. Even if they are not so special, I love my Christmas traditions because I feel the same magic, the same happpiness as I was a child. On Christma's Eve my grandmother, my uncles and my cousins will eat at my house. When I was a child, after the dinner, I used to go to my local church at midnight for the Christmas Mass; growing up, after Christmas Eve dinner I usually go out with my friends to exchange Christmas gifts and celebrate together. On 25th December I will go to my grandma’s house to have the Christmas lunch with all my family. I'm sure I will eat a lot like every year. After lunch, we will play board games, card games or tombola and in the evening I will go out to have fun with my friends. On 26th December I will go to my uncle Stefano for having another Christmas lunch and celebrate the national holiday of Santo Stefano. On New Years'Eve I'm having dinner with all my friends and, after midnight, we will go dancing at the disco.

Testo sul Natale svolto al futuro: conclusione in inglese

I think that the beauty of Christmas and its traditions is the fact we can have the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the people we love and we can show them how important they are to us. We all dream of being children again anche thanks to Christmas, for a few days, our dream becomes realty. Se cerchi altri temi in inglese sul Natale, li trovi qui: (Credits immagini: Pixabay)

Ciao, benvenuto su ScuolaZoo! Come possiamo aiutarti?
